Therismos Kairos Mission
To Equip Believers – To Evangelise the World
About Us
Statement of Faith
Missionary Principles and Practices
Contact Us
Support the Work
Open Air Preaching
A sketch of Open-Air preaching
Definite Directions for Open air preaching
Open Air Meetings
Open Air Preaching J Wesley
Bible Studies
MP3 Messages
Bill Randles
Ray Comfort
Various Speakers
The “2″ Things in Matthews 7
1. Two Gates
2. Two Paths
3. Two Different People
4. Two Fruits
5. Two Destinies
6. Two Confessors
7. Two Foundations
Warning from Hebrews
1. Refusal to Listen
2. Danger of Drifting Away
3. Danger of Neglect
Bible Topics
God’s Will and Guidance
Ready Bible Notes
Salvation and Afterlife
The Bible – The Book and its Authority
Bible Studies