The Two things in Matthew 7 (part 4)
Here we will look at:
“…Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” Matt 7:17-18
This is especially said of “false prophets”. According to the Lord Jesus all that are on the narrow way should beware of “false prophets coming to them in sheeps clothing” but are from within ravening wolves! Here Jesus state a fact that few today acknowledge or even think about.
Few would think to find on the narrow road “false prophets” that are there on the narrow road to destroy the faith and “sincere devotion” to the Lord Jesus (2 Cor 11) of them that walk on it and those that have truly entered into the narrow gate and that are on the narrow way.
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
How will you know them?
Jesus says “by their fruits”
One of the “TESTS” of a prophet is just here.
How do you know a true prophet from a false prophet? Let me mention this here:
False prophets (or true for that matter) is known by their “fruits”. Fruit is that things that a tree “Produce”. This refer to 2 things. False (or true) prophets will be known by:
1. Their lifestyles, the way they live and the things they seek after in this life (if they seek after money, possesions, worldly status, etc, then be sure they are false for a tree is known by their fruit)
2. Their doctrine or the things they teach – the things that come out of their mouths! Do they teach things contrary to the Word of God? Do they have “new revelations”that differ from the Written Word of God? If it is from God it will always be in harmony with God’s WRITTEN WORD AND complete revelation!
Then I want to mention another 2:
3. What they say must come to pass! That is, they must be 100% accurate in their predictions, if they are not, they are not God’s mouthpiece or servants.
I read a portion some time ago by someone (a modern prophet) who stated that a prophet does not need to be 100% accurate in the things they prophecy – 65% is still okay! He then use Deuteronomy 18 (where God gave this 100% accuracy rate) and said this is not what is meant here!!!! He said the test of a false prophet is if they would led people astray after strange gods (Deut 13)!
Now listen, if you hear someone tell you such things be sure they are deceived and false prophets! A true prophet is always TRUE TO GOD’S WRITTEN WORD! He will not altar it but uplift it and expound it to its fullest! False prophets take from different translations to try to give their deceptive messegges! But God said 100% or else you know it is not from God and thus false!
Why 100%? Bcause God do not make mistakes, but know the end from the beginning! Few (almost none) of the prophets that speak today are 100% accurate!
4. Of many that say things and DO come to pass, (Deut 13) BUT they are teaching things contrary to God’s Word and lead people away after their doctrines, be sure even though they do have predicted some things 100%, do not follow them – examine their teaching and the things they say and do!
Like T.B Joshua, he may perform many things, etc, but that does not mean someone is from God, test the spirits and examine what he says and teaches, then you will come to understand. TB Joshua states that Muslims, Catholics and Christians all serve the same God and are all right with God! Or He teaches that the water at the purification (in his church) is the actual blood of Christ! So even what someone does and does have 100% accuracy rate BUT teach other things – THEN KNOW THAT GOD IS TESTING YOUR OBEDIENCE TO THE TRUTH, will you stick to His Word (that is sound and sure) or will you go after other winds of doctrines?
There are more tests, but these few are very important!
”Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” How will you know them? Jesus says “by their fruits”
Now this seems strange to this post-modern generation to whom truth has become a relevant thing.
“it was the way of deceivers, and profane men, to cover themselves, Mat_yljb, “with their talith”, or long garment, “as if they were righteous men”, that persons might receive their lies.”
Beware — But beware of false prophets — that is, of teachers coming as authorized expounders of the mind of God and guides to heaven. (See Act_20:29, Act_20:30; 2Pe_2:1, 2Pe_2:2).
which come to you in sheep’s clothing — with a bland, gentle, plausible exterior; persuading you that the gate is not strait nor the way narrow, and that to teach so is illiberal and bigoted – precisely what the old prophets did (Eze_13:1-10, Eze_13:22). but inwardly they are ravening wolves — bent on devouring the flock for their own ends (2Co_11:2, 2Co_11:3, 2Co_11:13-15).
BEWARE – the church is full of false prophets it was the way of deceivers, and profane men, to cover themselves, “with their talith”, or long garment, “as if they were righteous men”, that persons might receive their lies.
They look like humble Godly men, God fearing and righteous, but beware! WHAT JESUS SAYS HERE IS LOOK AT THE FRUITS – BE FRUIT INSPECTORS, EXAMINE, TEST, LAY BARE, BE CRITICAL and by this know with whom you are dealing!!!!
No good fruit – if not 100% then sure a phony!