Various Articles

Here is a list of various Articles, these articles can also be found in other pages and categories.


Are you soundly saved? Here are some tests…

An undivided Heart



By this time you ought to be preachers

Ceasing to expect

C O M E… Come… Come…

Comparison on 2 Cor 5 21 and 1 Joh 2 29

Corrupt Communication

Concerning Curses

Correspondence Course in Evangelism

Compromise and Tolerance

Definite Directions for Open air preaching

Did you hear the call twice?

Did you take the Eye Examination?

Do you hunger for His Glory?

The entrance of sin – what did sin brought into this world?

Evangelism and Prayer


Evangelism Basics

How to be filled with the Holy Spirit…

Gnosticism part2

Golden Calf Worship and Evangelism


How do you know that you have been forgiven?

How to Experience the Glory of God

How to testify for the Lord

How to work for the cure of souls

How to find God’s Will for your life

It’s high time to Awake!

Laat hom hierdie jaar nog staan

Man on the Edge of destruction



Open Air Preaching J Wesley

Open Air Meetings Torrey

Open Air Preaching – A sketch of its history and remarks thereon

The Path to power and Usefulness


Psychology and the Evangelical Church

Psychology and the doctrine of devils

Psychology in prophecy


Roman Catholism

Salvation and the sinners prayer


Tell them of My way…

How to test the spirits…

The art of praying with Authority

The Daily Sacrifice

The Defence and Confirmation of the Gospel

The Doubt brought the End

The missionary Call

The Personal Worker Himself

The Threefold Testimony of God

The two-fold Call of the Church

The Wisdom in winning souls

The worker among the abnormal

The Anatomy of sin

The Cross and fruitfulness

The Cross of Christ

The Bible…

The Entrance of sin

The Explanation of Scripture

The Glorious Gospel part 1

The Glorious Gospel part 2

The Gnostic “Jesus”

The Law of God and Evangelism

The perversion of the Gospel

The regulative principle

The relationship between power and pressure

The road to recovery

The snare and lure of Satan

The Word of God and the last days church

What about spiritual mapping

Should we expose Error?

Concerning Curses

Signs of decay and Apostasy

The Zion Christian Church (ZCC)

How then can a man be Justified before God?

The Most Important Command in the Bible

Godly Attitude Towards Heresy


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God Bless
